The Scientifically Validated Miracle of Apple Cider Vinegar for Weight Loss and Diabetes

Apple cider vinegar has a multitude of uses from salad dressing, to beauty treatments, to household cleaning.

I have used it as an astringent for my skin, and clarifier for my hair for years. It is more effective than any other product I have used for these purposes, leaving me with an even skin tone, noticeably smaller pores, and healthy, shiny locks.

But did you know that you can use apple cider vinegar to lower your blood sugar and help you lose weight?

Studies show that those who took a couple table spoons of ACV before a meal “saw a 4-6% reduction in fasting glucose levels when individuals received only 2 tablespoons of apple cider prior to a meal, in comparison to a lower 3-6% fasting glucose reduction when the same individuals received pharmaceutical treatment,” according to an article titled “Apple Cider Vinegar improves blood sugar regulation and speeds up weight loss” published by Natural News.

This means that ACV is more effective than the pharmaceutical medication that doctors are prescribing, with none of the negative side effects!

Apple cider vinegar is doubly beneficial for those with type two diabetes because it promotes a feeling of satiety or fullness after eating less food than you normally would, according to another article published by Natural News titled “Three Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits Weight Loss”.

The article goes on to say, “In a 2005 study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists fed bread plus low, medium or high amounts of vinegar to twelve healthy subjects, while the control group ate plain bread. Those who received the vinegar felt fuller than the control group, and the effect increased with the amount of vinegar ingested.”

While ACV is not the most delectable taste in the world, it has a vast variety of health benefits, and many would benefit from all it has to offer. If you want to cut out unnecessary chemicals, it is one of the first places you should start.



Courtney, Living. – Living naturally, creating awareness, and making things simple. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Apple Cider Vinegar improves blood sugar regulation and speeds up weight loss – (n.d.). Retrieved from

Three ways apple cider vinegar benefits weight loss – (n.d.). Retrieved from

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